Provincial Nominee Program

Provincial Nominee Program

The PNP is the provinces and territories way of handling their own immigration programs and the PNP is their way of doing so. By nominating their own candidates to apply for PR. All but Quebec and Nunavut have established their own PNP. Quebec has its own program with a different criterion of selection while Nunavut elected not have a PNP at all.
Each Provence and territory PNP have one or more stream related to the federal express entry programs. These streams awards applicants 600 points towards their express entry application, nearly guaranteeing them the Invitation Letter for PR. The PNP program is the same as express entry with few differences: PNP is a provincial program while express entry is a federal program
  1. Not all provinces and territories offer PNP
  2. PNP differs from one provinces/ territory to another.
  3. PNP depends on each province/ territory job list (required jobs sometimes different between one province/territory and another)
  4. The list for jobs on demand for each province/ territory may change every year.