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Shall we talk about politics? It's Sunday, after all

Shall we talk about politics? It's Sunday, after all

We all know that the Liberal Party is rapidly losing popularity and is now at its lowest point in terms of popularity. The question of replacing it with the Conservative Party is not "if it happens," but "when it happens."

🔥With the upcoming elections, which will take place no later than October 20, 2025, many are wondering if the Conservatives will close the doors to immigration if they come to power.

‼️Recently, the most famous critic of Trudeau's government, Pierre Poilievre, stated that they will significantly reduce immigration, especially for students, foreign workers, and tourists. Moreover, the Conservatives will seek to return to the previously accepted principle of the Canadian visa – it is not a right, but a privilege. 🤔

And immigration plans will be greatly reduced.

⚠️As the Conservatives themselves note, they strive for a fair, efficient, and humane immigration system.

🔥What are the key priorities of the Conservative Party?

👉1. Fairness and Transparency: Conservatives want the immigration process to be fair and transparent, deserving of respect both domestically and internationally. In the past two years, the Canadian immigration system has been criticized for "favouritism" – openly favoring certain nationalities over others.

👉2. Family Reunification: They emphasize the importance of measures that facilitate family reunification, as it helps in the integration of immigrants.

👉3. Skilled Immigration: Priority will again be given to attracting skilled immigrants and their families for Canada's economic prosperity. The current government has been heavily criticized by Canadians for granting permanent residency to unskilled workers. While no one wants to completely close the doors, raising the bar to at least require education and potential for skill enhancement is considered a good guideline.

👉4. Credential Recognition: Simplifying the process of recognizing international skills and education for immigrants. The Conservative Party believes that the requirements for recognizing foreign education in Canada are disconnected from reality and do not benefit newly arrived immigrants, especially in the medical field.

👉5. Settlement Support: Long-term funding for organizations providing settlement services to help immigrants successfully integrate.

👉6. Refugee Protection: A fair and efficient process for determining refugee status, supporting Canada's humanitarian traditions. It's worth noting that alongside supporting refugees, a new system is being developed to reduce those who simply abuse the system.

👉7. Birthright Citizenship: Conservatives propose to eliminate birthright citizenship unless one of the parents is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. This proposal has been on the agenda several times over the past 10 years, and we are returning to it again. The main idea is to stop "birth tourism," which has heavily taken roots in Canada and the US.

What are your thoughts?

Copyright 2024 “SKI Immigration Inc”. All rights reserved.

Alexandra Melnikova, immigration consultant to Canada, refugee cases, and appeals.

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